• Red Clover Royal Guardians

Red Clover Royal Guardians

Red clover delivers a slow release organic nitrogen boost to your hungry cannabis plants. It also acts as a living mulch and is a rich source of minerals as a green manure.
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Companion plant red clover: A living mulch that improves soil quality


Red clover (Trifolium pratense) like its cousin white clover is an unbeatable companion plant. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen in root nodules and acts as a living mulch. The health benefits of red clover are many. It is one of nature's richest sources of isoflavinoids which are water-soluble compounds, that behave like estrogen. This makes it useful in treating the symptoms of menopause and helps in preventing osteoporosis. Red clover is a beneficial aid when trying to quit smoking and is a rich source of minerals.

The fixed nitrogen is released into the neighbouring soil as the plant decays. Nearby plants, including marijuana boom, becoming richly verdant with this slow release organic nutrient boost. Trimming red clover back to delay flowering provides a ready supply of mineral-rich green manure. Robust and tolerant of many weather conditions, red clover keeps the soil friable, so water penetrates easier and is retained more readily. Deep pink pom pom flowers on their own flower spike attract nectar-loving species to your patch for sure, but the power of red clover is that of a fertilizer.

Latin name Trifolium pratense
Type Perennial, herbaceous.
Height 20 - 60 cm
Harvest Up to 3 a year. Initial / 60–70 days. Subsequent on a 30 – 35 day interval.
Effect Aromatic and stealth.
Climate Prefers full sun, prefers moist soils.
pH Prefers - 6,0 and 7,2. Can grow between 5,5 - 7,5..
Soil Well-drained soil, also tolerates poorly drained soil.
Germination Up to 7 - 10 days / 25°C (min 3°C).
Also Plants provide nitrogen fixation, used as cover plants before main crop.
Seeds per gram 285 - 400
Note Should be harvested at prebloom or early bloom.

    Από G. K. Στις 25/Jun/2021 :

    Τίτλος : Herr
    Σχόλιο : Am besten in den gleichen Topf mit deinen Lieblingen Pflanzen

    Από D. S. Στις 15/May/2020 :

    Τίτλος : good!
    Σχόλιο : Came on time , grown even faster!

    Από J. V. Στις 30/Mar/2020 :

    Τίτλος : It grows way to good and is a pest
    Σχόλιο : After the soft winter I had to pull them out of the soil, they were spreading everywhere and growing tall, suffocating other plants... They have rooting like carrots and sit up to 1meter deep so a hell of a job to remove them, never again!!!

    Από A. R. Στις 31/Dec/2018 :

    Τίτλος : Timely shipment
    Σχόλιο : Nominal germination

    Από L. D. Στις 02/Jul/2018 :

    Τίτλος : Trèfle rouge
    Σχόλιο : Reçu rapidement, mis en semi sous mini serre, sortis de terre en 48h. Très bon produit.

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